Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Searching for Inspiration

To come up with an original idea of how to navigate through information in 3Dspace first I have to have a basic understanding of what existing types of 3D navigation there are, I started my search on the internet, though this is not the only place where navigating 3D space exists it is easily accessible to begin my search.

I started my research looking at how you could create 3D images in software such as Photoshop. The first image I came across was an image of some MP3 players arranged in a similar way to the 3D cover flow that Apple has incorporated into many of their creations. As I am hoping to create something that is easy to navigate as well as understand maybe I can incorporate some of the usability into my idea's.

music playerimage taken from 


On the same website I also found an image of three different cubes with the Photoshop logo which cave me the idea of creating a program where you could launch different adobe software from a single 3d environment and it would also allow you to switch through different programs seamlessly. Though the idea is good its already been done and this would be purely for aesthetic purposes.


glowing cubes

image taken from

The final idea that I liked was the navigating through a corridor, this is a common idea for 3D navigation but as I want to try and create something with a level of originality I will either have to develop this idea vastly or rule it out all together.

Interior Design Photoshop 3d mrm 2

image taken from

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